
Mathematicians in Year 4

Year 4 have been working extremely hard in their maths lessons, they have been using place value counters to support their addition and subtraction and have been practicing their times tables daily. Year 4 have continued to use substitution to…

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Show racism the red card!

Year 5 are continuing to enjoy their Natural Disasters topic. This week Year 5 have completed a quiz using their Family Fact Sheets – they remembered so many facts! Year 5 enjoyed an assembly along with our whole school recognizing…

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After School Clubs

As October half term approaches, we wanted to remind you about the new and exciting range of wrap-around care cover coming up next term. There are a variety of options available with prices varying depending on your needs. Options include:…

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Awesome Autumn

This week 2 Year nursery have started to explore the season of Autumn. They have a new Autumn display in their classroom which has sparked conversations around the different coloured leaves they can see. Over the next few weeks, the…

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Wonderful writers

This week Reception children have been exploring writing and mark making in many different forms. Outdoors children have been using large brushes and rollers to make marks on a large scale. Indoors children have been drawing and writing. During literacy…

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2 year nursery LOVE books

This week in 2YN children have been independently looking at books, sharing stories in small groups and singing nursery rhymes. Sharing stories with young children promotes a love of reading, exposes children to new language helping to develop speaking and…

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Year 2 continue exploring

This week Y2 have researched the last explorer on their timeline and found out how Matthew Henson became the first person to reach the North Pole.  They have enjoyed working together cooperatively in P.E to demonstrate invasion and attacking skills…

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We love the woodlands

The children in Elm class are fully embracing their ‘woodland topic’ and have been exploring paint this week. The children have enjoyed getting creative and making different shades of brown. They have been taught how to add finer details to…

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People who help us…

This week children 3 Year Nursery have been learning the nursery rhyme ‘Miss Polly had a Dolly’. The children have been acting out the rhyme, role playing doctors and real-life experiences. 3 Year nursery have been learning about other people…

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Dear Zoo in 2 year nursery

This week 2 Year nursery have launched their topic ‘Wild Animals’ through the story ‘Dear Zoo’. The children have been learning to name the different animals and have been getting creative using different materials to create their very own wild…

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Wow – trips, trips, trips

Year 4 enjoyed a fabulous, sunny trip to Lister Park this week. Pupils explored the Botanical Gardens, Cartwright Hall, the historic statues of Titus Salt and Samuel Lister and even had time to play in the playground! Pupils are writing…

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A giant jigsaw

Year 5 have really enjoyed Science this week; this half term Year 5 are learning about forces. Pupils have been measuring forces using a force meter, comparing weights in the air and in water. Pupils made careful predictions and used…

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Incy Wincy Spider

This week children in 3 Year Nursery have been learning the nursery rhyme ‘Incy Wincy Spider’. The children have been acting out the rhyme, creating their own spider, exploring how many legs a spider has and experimenting what happens when…

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So much learning in Year 3

Year 3 loved the teacher bake off this week. They watched eagerly as the teachers followed a fruit crumble recipe using their carefully selected ingredients. The pupils are ever so excited to soon be collecting berries to make their own…

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Star readers in year 3

Year 3 have loved their visit to the woodland this week. This visit has inspired their writing in poetry, helping them to think carefully about where animals could be hiding in the woods. They have also been excited to learn…

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Exploring the world in Year 2

Year 2 have excitedly become explorers this week. They have used google maps to zoom across the world as sailors to explore oceans and continents. By working together, they have succeeded in naming and labelling continents and oceans. This teamwork…

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A new classroom for Elm class

This week Elm class have been settling into their new provision. The children have embraced their new classroom and have been eager to explore their new surroundings. Elm class have been introduced to their Woodland topic through the story ‘Owl…

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Team Peace

The final amount is… £3129.98! The total raised by TeamPeace to support children in need of help across the world is £3129.98!  Incredible.  Some of this money was sent directly to families in Gaza and we are very grateful to…

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Good Luck Mr Barnes!

Mr Barnes has a few more weeks of summer holiday work before he leaves us to start his well-earned retirement.  Children LOVED watching the jobs list video which is just never-ending for a colleague as great as Mr Barnes.  THANK…

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Thank you assembly

A big thank you to all of our volunteers for making a positive difference to our school over this year – the commitment you have shown to our children is much appreciated.

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New After School Care Club

Starting in September 2024! We are delighted to announce a partnership with KangaSports to deliver Ofsted registered after school care for families who need more than our school clubs. Please click on the link to book your spaces. Beckfoot Heaton…

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