Welcome to our school

At Beckfoot Heaton we work together so that every child achieves a great life – succeeding in an ambitious career and making a positive difference to the World. Enjoy exploring our website and even better…come and visit us in person.

About Beckfoot Heaton

Our staff, our Trust and our Governors

Family Information

Home Learning, uniforms, school meals and wrap around care


Subjects, Year groups, Early Years and Wider opportunities

Beckfoot Trust

In Beckfoot Trust we understand that all healthy organisations have absolute clarity of purpose. Through precision of language, we are liberated to work together in an efficient and agile way as high performing teams. For collective efficacy to have impact, we need a shared language and understanding. To aid our clarity, we have answered 4 critical questions:

The year of the snake

This week we have been celebrating the Lunar new year. We’ve had different activities linking to the year of the snake. The children have been…

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Maths everywhere

This week children in Reception have been focusing on numbers 6-10. During maths lessons they have been practising counting out correct amounts using one to…

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