Staff and Governance

Senior Leadership Team

Zoe Mawson


Laura Burgin

Deputy Headteacher

Davina Blanshard-Jones

Assistant Headteacher and SENCo

Louise Sugden

Assistant Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead

Gill Prout

Cluster Business Manager

Samantha Bolton

Mental Health and Behaviour Lead

Local School Committee

Mrs Salma Younis

Chair of the Local School Committee

Salma feels very strongly that “every child matters” and that every child should be given the opportunity to grow and develop into adults who contribute positively to the community and to industry – high quality education is essential in setting the foundations for this. She relishes the opportunity to work with the LSC and Trust Board to enable this school to be remarkable.

Mrs Rangin Ali – Rangin is a parent and plays a significant role in supporting some of the families in our community and beyond. She can be relied upon to contribute ideas from the voluntary sector and provides a diversity of thought on some of the challenges families face.

Mrs Charlene Clapperton – If there was ever a PSCO you’d want connected to school, the Charlene is the one. Creating positive relationships with children and families, supporting the school curriculum and helping children to understand how to be a great person are just some of her many talents. We were delighted when she agreed to be a member of the LSC.

Mr Shiv Krishan – Shiv has worked with Beckfoot Heaton for over two decades as a parent governor when his children attended, now he is an LSC member with strong community connections. Shiv excels in encouraging all children to develop through a love of sport and has been recognised nationally for his contribution to sport in Bradford

Mrs Shazia Nazir – For the past 17 years, Shazia has acted as an advocate for parents, a founding member of the parent forum and setting up a Whatsapp group for parents to be able to communicate. Shazia is always the first to volunteer and is very personable, creating a good working relationship between the LSC and parents at school.

Mrs Farah Naz – Farah became more involved with Beckfoot Heaton as a parent champion, helping to communicate key messages as well as encouraging participation in key events. When the opportunity to become a member of the LSC arose, Farah seized the opportunity.

Mr Atif Hussain – Atif has very recently joined the LSC as an observer. He has a particular interest in supporting children to be the best they can be and making sure schools support children’s personal development.

Mrs Kam Kaur – Appointed to the Local School Committee as a class teacher, Kam is now one of the leaders within school; leading phonics and the quality of education in year 1, 2 and 3. Her commitment to the children and teachers in our school is remarkable.

Wider Leadership Team

Laura Da Conceicao

Research Champion and Year 6 class teacher

Theresa White

Quality of Education Leader for EYFS and Elm Provision Lead

Kamijeet Kaur

Quality of Education Leader for Y1, 2, 3 and Phonics Lead

Claire Light

Quality of Education Leader for Y4, 5, 6 and Curriculum Lead

Khola Mir

Research Champion and Year 4 class teacher

Martin Ross

Maths and PE Lead and Year 1 class teacher

Anna Townson

English Lead and Year 4 class teacher

Teaching Staff

Early Years

  • Ms S Bapty
  • Early Years Teacher
  • Mrs. A Hamid
  • 2 Year Nursery
  • AM Seedlings
  • PM Saplings
  • Mrs M. Langley
  • 3 Year Nursery
  • AM Apricot Blossom
  • PM Plum Blossom
  • Mrs. J Kaur
  • 3 Year Nursery
  • AM Almond Blossom
  • PM Peach Blossom
  • Mrs. I Hussain
  • Reception
  • Apple Class
  • Miss G Normington
  • Reception
  • Ash Class
  • Mrs. R Javed
  • Reception
  • Alder Class


  • Mrs. S Carter
  • Year 1
  • Beech Class
  • Mr. M Rawling
  • Year 1
  • Birch Class
  • Mr. M Ross
  • Year 1
  • Blackthorn Class
  • Mrs. F James
  • Year 2
  • Cedar Class
  • Miss I Urbikaite
  • Year 2
  • Chestnut Class
  • Mrs. M Rushworth
  • Year 2
  • Cherry Class

Lower KS2

  • Miss L Demockova
  • Year 3
  • Hawthorn Class
  • Mrs. L Lambert
  • Year 3
  • Hornbeam Class
  • Miss L Winstanley
  • Year 3
  • Hazel Class
  • Mrs. H Walker
  • Year 4
  • Lime Class
  • Miss K Mir
  • Year 4
  • Larch & Lime Class
  • Mrs. E Wilde
  • Year 4
  • Larch Class
  • Mrs. A Townson
  • Year 4
  • Laurel Class

Upper KS2

  • Miss J Malik
  • Year 5
  • Maple Class
  • Mr. R Hussain
  • Year 5
  • Myrtle Class
  • Miss P Bennett
  • Year 5
  • Magnolia Class
  • Mr. L Danskin
  • Year 6
  • Palm Class
  • Mrs. L Da Conceicao
  • Year 6
  • Pine Class
  • Mrs. J Burndred
  • Year 6
  • Poplar Class

Wider school staff

Learning support

  • Mrs A Ahmed
  • Mrs M Ahmed
  • Mrs S Ahmed
  • Mrs S Akhtar
  • Mrs R Ali
  • Mrs S Ali
  • Mrs S Arif
  • Mrs S Azad
  • Mrs A Bi
  • Mrs N Bi
  • Miss F Bibi
  • Mrs S Bibi
  • Mra A Din
  • Mrs J Dodsworth
  • Mrs J Evans
  • Mrs J Garnett
  • Miss G Hargreaves
  • Miss E Herbert
  • Miss M Herbert
  • Miss V Herbert
  • Mrs S Humperson
  • Mrs N Hussain
  • Mrs G Hussain
  • Mrs H Hussain
  • Mrs S Hussain
  • Mrs Y Hussain
  • Mr B Kara
  • Mrs R Khan
  • Miss S Khalil
  • Mrs M Laws
  • Mrs M Mahmood
  • Mrs N Mahroof
  • Mrs R Majeed
  • Miss L Mawson
  • Mrs B Mohammed
  • Mrs I Mushtaq
  • Miss P Newsome
  • Miss C Petrie
  • Mrs S Rathoer
  • Miss K Royle
  • Mrs M Shaheen
  • Mrs D Smith
  • Miss C Snowdon
  • Miss A Stevenson
  • Mrs Y Younis
  • Mrs M Zubair

Inclusion team

  • Mrs V Harrop
  • Mr S Kumar
  • Miss A Morgan
  • Mr J Mawson
  • Mrs S O’Grady
  • Ms Chitty
  • Mrs Green

Operations team

  • Mrs S Ahmed – Admin
  • Mr D Barnes – Site Manager
  • Mr T Hall – IT
  • Miss A Khaliq – Admin
  • Mr J Ojoboh – Office Manager
  • Miss J Price – Attendance Officer
  • Mrs G Statham – Admin
  • Mrs D Todd – HR
  • Mrs J Vinnicombe – HR

Breakfast club and lunchtime supervisors

  • Mrs S Ahmed
  • Mrs Y Akhtar
  • Mrs A Din
  • Mrs R Khan
  • Mrs S Matloob
  • Mrs I Naz
  • Mrs N Rashid
  • Miss K Royle