Guess my job – thank you to our guests

On Thursday, as part of our Aspiration week activities, we welcomed 7 guests so that year 5 and 6 children could play detectives and try and decipher their jobs. There was a midwife, a Job Centre work consultant, an optometrist, a business analysist, a doctor and a beautician – a wonderfully varied collection of jobs, requiring different skills and qualities. 

With only 6 questions, the classes had to figure out what job each of the adults did. The children, you will not be surprised to learn, asked some fantastic questions and were very eager to discover more – what qualifications do you need? Do you wear a uniform? Do you work with children or adults? What tasks do you do every day?  

At the end, the adults were asked to give one piece of advice for children thinking about their futures.

– Never give up, it may be challenging but you’ll get there

– Do what makes you happy

– Choose a career that you care about, one that makes a positive difference in the world

– Follow your heart and believe in yourself 

– Look at lots of options and explore what is right for you

– It’s ok to change your mind 

– Follow your heart and believe in yourself 

A very big thank you to all of the guests – you were incredible and we loved having you in school.