Welcome to Year 3
Our Year 3 pupils enjoy an exciting start to Key Stage 2. We immerse our Year 3 into units of study that explore periods in history including the Stone Age to Iron Age and Ancient Egypt, and units that are driven by engaging novels including The Iron Man, Tutankhamun’s Tomb and Icarus is Ridiculous. We bring our learning to life through a visit to Cliffe Castle, outdoor learning activities involving Shadufs, storytelling and role-play in our woodland area as well as local blackberry and apple picking, with the harvest used to create delicious crumbles in Design Technology.

Hansel and Gretel by Anthony Browne

Topic: Berries and Seeds
Our Year 3 pupils begin the year with a topic on Berries and Seeds, which is the focus of our Science learning. We learn about the life cycle of a flowering plant, including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal. We use our geography skills to observe human and physical features of our location and map our findings; this knowledge is then used as part of our berries and seed collecting. We design and make delicious crumbles using seasonal fruit, including the fruit we harvest. Our Year 3 pupils read Hansel and Gretel, re-tell the story in our woodland area and then create their own tales of fear with a woodland setting.

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The Iron Man by Ted Hughes

Topic: Iron Man
Inspired by the novel The Iron Man by Ted Hughes, we learn about world geography; focusing on some of the locations in the book. In our art lessons we explore sculptures by local sculptor Sam Shendi and then create our own Iron Man inspired sculptures. We then write stories about our own superheroes who have problems caused by monsters to overcome.

In our Science we learn about forces and magnets; comparing how things move on different surfaces, how magnets attract and repel and whether some everyday materials are attracted to magnets.

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Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura

Topic: Stone Age
Our Stone Age unit focuses on what life was like for hunter-gatherers and early farmers; we spend time in our woodland area in role as Stone Age people. We find out about how people during the Stone Age survived, what tools they made and what archeological finds such as Skara Brae can tell us about the past. Our Year 3 pupils learn about cave paintings, creating their own examples and applying printing techniques to make creative designs.

In our Science we learn about rocks and soils; comparing and grouping different kinds of rocks based on their appearance and simple properties. We find out how fossils and soils are formed. A trip to Cliffe Castle museum supports our learning as we explore their rock collection and take part in a hands-on workshop.

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Prince of Egypt by Jane Yolen

Topic: Rivers and Settlements
During this unit our Year 3 pupils learn about the River Nile and River Indus; their locations, the surrounding climate and why these rivers were so important to ancient civilisations. We learn about levers and linkages, how shadufs work to move water; designing and creating our own examples in Design Technology.

In our Science we learn about animals, including humans; finding out about the right types and amounts of nutrition.

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Tutankhamun’s Tomb by Sue Reid

Topic: Ancient Settlements
Our Ancient Settlement unit explores what was left behind by the ancient Indus civilisation and then explores Howard Carter’s discovery in the valley of the kings. We learn about how ancient Egyptians buried their kings and queens, including a mummification role-play. Our pupils present their learning using Book Art skills, including pockets, lift-up flaps and pop-up sections.

In our Science we learn about plants; the functions of different parts, how water is transported and investigate the requirements for growth.

Main Text
Icarus is Ridiculous by Pamela Butchart

Topic: Light
In our final term in Year 3 we learn about light; focused upon our science learning. We find out why we need light, what is dark and why the light from the sun dangerous. Our Year 3 pupils learn how shadows formed and how they change throughout the day. We read Icarus and use the story to inspire textile images to re-tell part of the story. Our Year 3 pupils then write their own warning tales.