
Beckfoot Trust is an organisation that links a group of local Bradford schools together so that they can collectively improve the life chances for young people within their schools. Our aim is to create a group of truly remarkable schools each with a genuine comprehensive intake. They will be wonderful places for young people to learn and grow up in. We want to make a difference. We want to create something special.




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9th December 2019

Beckfoot Heaton Primary is a Great Place to be a Pupil

Beckfoot Heaton_OfstedSays Ofsted Inspection Report

We are delighted to share with you that Beckfoot Heaton Primary School  has been rated by Ofsted as a ‘Good’ school, with ‘Outstanding’ in two categories, leadership and management and personal development.

The Ofsted report, highlights that ‘Beckfoot Heaton Primary School is a great place to be a pupil’. Leaders have worked hard to make sure that learning is exciting and fun. There is a real sense of community in the school.

Beckfoot Heaton Primary School joined Beckfoot Trust in December 2016 as a ‘Requires Improvement’ School. Zoe Mawson is the Headteacher and had led the improvements. This is the first Ofsted inspection of the school since it converted to the Trust.

The Ofsted report highlights a number of key achievements:

  • Pupils get on well with each other and they enjoy learning together. Pupils have positive attitudes in their lessons and are very keen to get involved in the activities planned for them.
  • Pupils told us that they feel well cared for and safe in their school.
  • The school offers pupils lots of opportunities for learning beyond their lessons. Pupils enjoy out of school visits and they learn from visitors to the school too. They also like the activities planned for them in the forest school. Clubs and activities which take place at lunchtimes, before and after school, are very well attended. School assemblies give pupils the opportunity to take part in school community activities.
  • Pupils know that teachers and staff have high expectations of them. Pupils are encouraged to celebrate their successes, be proud of their achievements and be ambitious for their futures.
  • All pupils we spoke to said that they feel behaviour is good, but some pupils need the guidance of staff to behave well. Pupils do not believe that bullying is a problem. They trust staff to sort out any problems they may have.
  • The quality of education is good. Leaders have planned the curriculum so that everyone can take part. Pupils talk about their learning to each other and to their teachers. Teachers know that some pupils are less confident than others, so they adjust their plans to help them. The plans make it clear what to teach pupils and when. Teachers have thought about how and when pupils can learn knowledge best. Leaders and teachers make sure that they change their plans if pupils need more time to understand any important knowledge.
  • Reading is at the heart of the school’s learning programmes. As pupils learn, they revisit important knowledge and skills.
  • Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) get the support they need. This support allows them to be independent, so they achieve well. Disadvantaged pupils also do well. They have the same access to the resources they need to make learning exciting, enjoyable and stimulating.
  • Children are safe and happy in the early years foundation stage. There are clear routines which allow children to develop their independence. Staff use their skills to develop the vocabulary of the children through talk and play. Children develop their reading and number skills through play.
  • The trust, headteacher and school leaders make sure that pupils in this school get the best possible experiences available. They plan learning so that pupils enjoy their lessons, are creative and achieve well.
  • Leaders have put into place structures which provide teachers and staff with the support they need to do their jobs well. They are considerate of staff workload and well-being. The staff and leaders at all levels care a great deal about the pupils and their community.
  • The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Staff training helps them to identify if pupils may be at risk of harm. The culture of safeguarding is very strong. Pupils feel safe and looked after while they are in school

The report recognised that there is still more work to do to improve pupils’ reading further, particularly at key stage 2 and that teaching of writing in early years could be improved.  This accurately reflects the school’s own self-evaluation.

Zoe Mawson - Headteacher Beckfoot Heaton Primary School said 'The whole school community should feel very proud of this report.  Staff from the school and the trust, parents and children have worked together to create our great school.  We are delighted that the Ofsted inspectors recognised the quality of our work as well as the exceptionally positive culture which is felt as soon as you walk through the door.  Thank you to everyone who shares our vision and supports us in making it happen.  We are determined to make sure that every child at Beckfoot Heaton has the best chance of having a great life and we look forward to building on this positive report to make that a reality”. 

We are delighted for all involved at Beckfoot Heaton Primary who are creating remarkable schools

The full inspection report is available on


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